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Marva Collins

Comment: In early fall of 2007, a friend invited me to visit an elementary school in nearby Panama City, Florida, to hear Marva Collins. After teaching “the worst class in the school” for three hours that morning, Mrs. Collins met with the faculty and...

Psychiatric Help 5¢

From Will Fitzhugh In Peanuts, when we see Lucy offering Psychiatric Help for a nickel, we know it is a joke: (“The Psychiatrist is IN”), but when English teachers in the schools insist that students write about the most intimate details of their private...

Do You Know What Your Child Is Reading?

by Tiffany Bradley That time of year is approaching when schools send home a list of recommended or required books for summer reading. Trusting parents often take these lists as blanket approval of a book’s quality and content and dutifully take their children to the...